Getting Started with VPS/dedicated Server Print

  • Server Firewall Installation, Linux pass change, SSH Port Change, Secure SSH port, Linux Server Update
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Getting Started 

A dedicated server is a physical server located in one of our data centers. Unlike Web Hosting plans (also referred to as “shared hosting”), which are technically managed by BlueHill Hosting, you are fully responsible for the administration of your dedicated server.


Logging on to your server

After your Server purchase is completed,

you will receive an email containing instructions for administrative (root user) access. 

The email will contain the default Admin User, PWD & Server IP Address like shown below.  


Your VPS has just been installed on the following operating system/distribution
Centos/debian/unbuntu/Window etc

Your VPS's IPv4 address is

The following administrator account has been configured on the VPS:

Username: centos/debian/ubuntu - depending upon the Server OS the user name will be auto generated
Password:  j#@!767e43#9Wg


Now next step is to connect to the Server.


You can access the Linux Server either using 

Command Terminal


Third-party clients Like using SSH which is a secure communication protocol.  Many open-source SSH clients like putty and WinSCP are available on the web.

Use the following examples to log on to your server, replacing the credentials with your actual information (IP address and server reference name are interchangeable).

Example with username: centos/Debian/ubuntu - depending upon the Server OS

ssh centos@IPv4_of_your_server

Example with a pre-configured user:

ssh ubuntu@reference_name_of_your_server


Next Step after Successful Login to VPS Server:

Secure Your Server

Update your Linux Server 

Keeping your Server up to date with the latest security patches secure your Server

This update will take place in two steps:

  • Updating the package list
apt-get update
  • Updating the packages themselves
apt-get upgrade

Once this step is complete, your system is up-to-date. This operation needs to be performed regularly as your Server are self managed Servers.

Setup up your ROOT PWD using the above user credentials received above in the email

Since you are now logged in with elevated privileges (a sudo user), you can enter commands to perform administrative tasks. It is recommendable to first change your password:

~$ sudo passwd
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Note that passwords are not displayed. Next, switch to the “root” user and set your admin password:

~$ sudo su -
~# passwd
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully


Enabling Root USER logins:

Connecting with the “root” user is disabled by default as a security measure. If you need to permit these connections, refer to the instructions in this guide.

Step 1: Edit the sshd_config file
Use a text editor such as vim or nano to edit this configuration file:

~$ nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add the following line.

PermitRootLogin yes
Look for this line and make sure it is commented out:

PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
Save the file and exit the editor.

Step 2: Restart the SSH service
~$ systemctl restart sshd

This should be sufficient to apply the changes. Alternatively, reboot the VPS

(~$ reboot).

So Now Onwards you will be able to use 2 User credentials, Ist which is supplied by us (Please change the PWD), 2nd is ROOT user which by default is not enabled, but we shared the commands to enable it in case you need for your application needs.


After your Server purchase is completed, you will receive an email containing instructions for administrative (root user) access. You will need to use these credentials to connect to the server via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). After logging in, Windows will guide you through an initial setup.

Restarting your server

A reboot might become necessary in order to apply updated configurations or to fix an issue. Whenever feasible, perform a “soft reboot” via the command line:



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